Episode I: The first one the visual effects is not that great but the story is wonderful. Duration: 14:32 mins.
Episode II: Great ghaphic, Great continued history, Great everything. Duration: 42:35 mins.
Episode III: W O N D E R F U L!! I am going to tell you something, I love to watch WoW videos but this one is the BEST EVER, is so great, is so well done. I cried like a baby on this movie. You guys NEED to watch this. Duration: 82:41 mins.
Alright, after you watch the 3 episodes, go back to my site and read about this old stuff, about the Ashbringer, about Morgraine, etc. IF YOU ARE FASCINATED BY WARCRAFT LORE (like me) you have to watch this movie because its a mix of the lore warcraft and his own history, its very cool.
Sometimes we play and we dont pay attention on the details, example the undead boss Fairbanks, in Scarlet Monestary, Cathedral, I didnt know he was the only person to see Morgraine killing his Father. Anyway, watch this movie!! :P Thanks Vhailor and Tsunadex for the video tip and Gesi to the wowhead article :P
The Ashbringer is the sword of former Highlord Mograine of the Scarlet Crusade. The blade was named after Mograine and his uncanny ability to smite the undead to nothing but a flurry of ash. Mograine was betrayed and murdered by his son, Renault, with the sword. Recently it has been discovered that Mograine was reincarnated as a Death Knight by the lich Kel'Thuzad, and he still possesses Ashbringer, although it has been defiled by his murder and transformed into [Corrupted Ashbringer].
BackgroundAfter the Silver Hand was dissolved following Arthas' betrayal, the remaining leaders formed the Scarlet Crusade. Mograine was appointed to the head position of Highlord, and Ashbringer became the most lethal weapon in the Crusade's arsenal - so much so that it quickly garnered the attention of Kel'Thuzad.Balnazzar, in the newly possessed body of Grand Crusader Saiden Dathrohan, sought to use the Crusade as a machine against the Scourge and rectify the Burning Legion's past failure to defeat the Lich King. Mograine, however, potentially jeopardized his plans. Balnazzar made a pact with Kel'Thuzad to eliminate the Highlord: the bane of the Scourge would be destroyed, and Balnazzar's reign would continue unchecked. He corrupted Mograine's son, Renault, and made plans to set a trap for the Highlord. Renault led his father and High Inquisitor Fairbanks to Stratholme, where the legions of the Scourge awaited them. Renault fled and hid while Mograine and Fairbanks fended for themselves. Fairbanks eventually became trapped alive under a pile of corpses. Mograine alone continued to smite thousands of the undead with ease, but was eventually wearied and dropped his blade in fatigue. Renault came out of hiding to exploit his father's vulnerable state. He took up Ashbringer and slew his father, which simultaneously corrupted the blade by using it for such a treacherous act.Unable to wield the corrupted sword, he left it with his father's body, and reported to the Crusade that it had been lost.Renault's betrayal was witnessed only by the unseen Fairbanks, who could only listen in horror as Renault murdered his father. Fairbanks remained there until he regained enough strength to leave the besieged city. He fled to the Scarlet Monastery where he told of Renault's actions to anyone who would listen. Those who believed broke away from the Crusade and formed the Argent Dawn. However, many refused to believe him and killed him for speaking such blasphemy and exposure to the Plague. His body was discarded in a secret chamber in the Scarlet Cathedral.
Article ported from Wowhead