Friday, December 28, 2007

Tales of The Past

Tales of The Past is the best WoW Movie ever. If you havent watch this movie I suggest you to watch now. There are 3 parts.

Episode I: The first one the visual effects is not that great but the story is wonderful. Duration: 14:32 mins.

Episode II: Great ghaphic, Great continued history, Great everything. Duration: 42:35 mins.

Episode III: W O N D E R F U L!! I am going to tell you something, I love to watch WoW videos but this one is the BEST EVER, is so great, is so well done. I cried like a baby on this movie. You guys NEED to watch this. Duration: 82:41 mins.

Alright, after you watch the 3 episodes, go back to my site and read about this old stuff, about the Ashbringer, about Morgraine, etc. IF YOU ARE FASCINATED BY WARCRAFT LORE (like me) you have to watch this movie because its a mix of the lore warcraft and his own history, its very cool.

Sometimes we play and we dont pay attention on the details, example the undead boss Fairbanks, in Scarlet Monestary, Cathedral, I didnt know he was the only person to see Morgraine killing his Father. Anyway, watch this movie!! :P Thanks Vhailor and Tsunadex for the video tip and Gesi to the wowhead article :P

The Ashbringer is the sword of former Highlord Mograine of the Scarlet Crusade. The blade was named after Mograine and his uncanny ability to smite the undead to nothing but a flurry of ash. Mograine was betrayed and murdered by his son, Renault, with the sword. Recently it has been discovered that Mograine was reincarnated as a Death Knight by the lich Kel'Thuzad, and he still possesses Ashbringer, although it has been defiled by his murder and transformed into [Corrupted Ashbringer].
BackgroundAfter the Silver Hand was dissolved following Arthas' betrayal, the remaining leaders formed the Scarlet Crusade. Mograine was appointed to the head position of Highlord, and Ashbringer became the most lethal weapon in the Crusade's arsenal - so much so that it quickly garnered the attention of Kel'Thuzad.Balnazzar, in the newly possessed body of Grand Crusader Saiden Dathrohan, sought to use the Crusade as a machine against the Scourge and rectify the Burning Legion's past failure to defeat the Lich King. Mograine, however, potentially jeopardized his plans. Balnazzar made a pact with Kel'Thuzad to eliminate the Highlord: the bane of the Scourge would be destroyed, and Balnazzar's reign would continue unchecked. He corrupted Mograine's son, Renault, and made plans to set a trap for the Highlord. Renault led his father and High Inquisitor Fairbanks to Stratholme, where the legions of the Scourge awaited them. Renault fled and hid while Mograine and Fairbanks fended for themselves. Fairbanks eventually became trapped alive under a pile of corpses. Mograine alone continued to smite thousands of the undead with ease, but was eventually wearied and dropped his blade in fatigue. Renault came out of hiding to exploit his father's vulnerable state. He took up Ashbringer and slew his father, which simultaneously corrupted the blade by using it for such a treacherous act.Unable to wield the corrupted sword, he left it with his father's body, and reported to the Crusade that it had been lost.Renault's betrayal was witnessed only by the unseen Fairbanks, who could only listen in horror as Renault murdered his father. Fairbanks remained there until he regained enough strength to leave the besieged city. He fled to the Scarlet Monastery where he told of Renault's actions to anyone who would listen. Those who believed broke away from the Crusade and formed the Argent Dawn. However, many refused to believe him and killed him for speaking such blasphemy and exposure to the Plague. His body was discarded in a secret chamber in the Scarlet Cathedral.

Article ported from Wowhead

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Patch_2.4.0 ??

I've been searching for the new patch and I found some interesting things in WoWWiki (because I cant wait to get Ice Block as fire mage hehe)
Anyway, I am going to comment of some changes, but the full link is on the end.


- The limit of daily quests is being raised from 10 to 25.
- A new faction called the
Shattered Sun Offensive is being brought in with the introduction of the Sunwell Plateau.

OMG, I type so fast "WTF" 25 dailys heroic?!!? I am going to be a milionaire player lol And people who dont have the epic fly mount, now, there is no excuses. 25 x 11g = 275g per day, in 18 or 20 days you can buy your epic fly mount :P lol


- In patch 2.3.2 Shaman's received a 30 seconds cooldown on their Earth Shield along with lowered mana cost. However, because of dispelling issues, this change will be reverted and the change will most likely return in content patch 2.4.

Duh, I feel so bad for the shamans, Blizzard really needs to buff them. My husband's char is a shaman, enhancement, we play arena 2x2 together, Mage and Shaman, we dont have any chance versus some teams like Rogue and Hunter BM because arena is all about control the player, all about CC and shaman doesnt have anything of that. Why rogues, warlocks, frost mages and druids are always the top players on arena rank? All about CC.
Shaman sux, specially enhacement, no chance for shamans on arena. I am seriouly. Blizzard needs to do something about it, its not fair.


- Magister's Terrace
5-Man instance with Heroic (
Kael'Thas is a confirmed boss.)
- Sunwell Plateau
25-Man raid (
Kil'jaeden, Kalecgos, Brutalicus (AKA Brutallus), a fel dragon, two female Eredar twins, and a Dark Naaru are confirmed bosses.)
The instance will be level 70.
Instance is designed in same style as
It will be on par with the
Black Temple, and all the drops will be above Tier 6.

Very nice. I wonder how long the hard core guilds are going to kill the last boss of Sunwell. I remember when BC came out, after 2 months, a horde guild killed Illidan, I forgot the guild name but I watch the video. o.O


- Sunwell Isle
The Sunwell Isle will be, according to Blizzard, "a cool 'public' area featuring brand new daily quests" shipping in Patch 2.4.

Good, because I am kind of tired of the same places, Terokkar, Blade Edges and Shadowmoon Valley. I hope this island will have interesting quests.


New recipes will be added so that one doesn't have to capture fish to be able to advance up to maximum skill level.


Here is the link to WoWWiki 2.4 patch
Another link in WoW-Europe Forum with informations about about 2.4 patch

Tomorrow we are going to talk about MAGE CHANGES :)

OMG I forgot the new Epic Dolls Episode 17!! :P

These girls are getting famous!! Now they have a brand new forum!! Isnt it cool? :P - Check it out :)

CLICK HERE to listen the Epic Dolls' podcast - Episode 17

Monday, December 24, 2007


May you have the best of Christmas this year and all your dreams come true :)

PS: My blog looks like the "Carnival" holiday but its christimas lol.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

LOL New WoW Commercial

Mini-me is a gnome MAGE... no way!! gnome!? duhhh
Verne Troyer is a Master of Arcane (then he cast Flamestrike)lol
Anyway, its cool, but Van Damme still is my favorite commercial!

Lets celebrate Winter's Veil!!!

The 12 Days of Winter's Veil

Monday, December 17, 2007

Macros for Mages

I think every mage should have some basic macros. Its easy, fast and help your ingame's life a lot :)


- Announce Polymorph

/cast Polymorph
/stopmacro [noexists] [dead] [help]
/p Sheeping %t. Back off it

- Polymorph Focus

Very usefull in arena games. The following macro gives you a single button that automatically manages your sheep as a focus until it dies or until you manually replace it with your current target.

/clearfocus [modifier:shift]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]; [target=focus,dead]
/clearfocus [target=focus,help]
/cast [target=focus,exists,harm] Polymorph; Polymorph


Arcane Explosion Rank 1 and high rank in only one button

When out of combat it will cast Arcane Explosion rank 1 for two reasons: It is useful for looking for stealthed enemies to conserve mana, as well as being helpful when protecting points of interest in PvP.

/cast [nocombat] Arcane Explosion(Rank 1); Arcane Explosion


- Anti Grounding Totem Ice Lance
When used, this macro will cast Ice Lance on the nearest Grounding Totem without you losing your current target. If no Grounding Totem exists it will simply cast Ice Lance on your current target. (very usefull in arena)

/focus target
/target [exists] Grounding Totem
/cast Ice Lance
/target focus

-- F R O S T M A C R O S --


- Spammable Summon & Attack
This will summon your pet, and if pressed again, will set it to attack your target ones the lag on summoning finishes. Spamming is okay, and won’t cause your pet’s first waterbolt to cancel and restart.

/cast [nopet] Summon Water Elemental
/stopmacro [target=pettarget, exists]

- Pet Frost Nova

/click [pet] PetActionButton5
/stopmacro [target=pettarget, exists]
/click [pet] PetActionButton5


- Quick Counterspell

Casts Counterspell immediately, cancelling any spellcast in progress. This helps ensure that you will stop your opponent's cast in time.

/cast Counterspell


- Quick Ice Barrier
Similar to Quick Counterspell, casts Ice Barrier immediately, cancelling any spellcast in progress, allowing you to absorb damage now instead of later.

/cast Ice Barrier


- 2 TrinketS, then Cast (GREAT FOR PVE)
Pops two trinkets (whatever is in the 13th and 14th inventory slots) and finishes with a damage spell. This boosts DPS by reducing the number of keystrokes or clicks necessary for this common cast sequence. The "/run" script is to disable the annoying error sound you get when your trinkets are on cooldown.

/run SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX","0")
/use 13
/use 14
/run SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX","1")
/cast Frostbolt


- Breakable Ice Block A 1.5 second “dead time” on toggle buttons like Ice Block was implemented to prevent unintentionally canceling buffs by spamming. This macro will restore previous functionality so Ice Block can be used to cancel debuffs almost instantaneously.

/cancelaura Ice Block
/cast Ice Block

-- F I R E M A C R O S --


Presence of Mind, to make Pyroblast an instant cast
Arcane Power, increasing spell damage and mana consumption by 30% for the next 15 seconds.
Pop first trinket (probably something that boosts damage or crit)
Pop second trinket (optional, very carefull if you have your pvp trinket. You can leave just one line for trinket /use 14 (or 13))
To get all this to happen with a single button press, need /stopcasting after the PoM and AP .

/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Arcane Power
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Pyroblast


- Fireball/Combustion/ 2 Trinkets (GREAT FOR PVE)

/run SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX","0")
/use 13
/use 14
/run SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX","1")
/cast Combustion
/cast Fireball

More macros and more informations, visit:

Epic Dolls Episode 16

They talk all about the Winter's Veil holiday event and check it out the WoWinsider Contest, you can win a the Dell Notebook WoW Edition.

CLICK HERE to listen the Epic Dolls' podcast - Episode 16

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Arena talent guide for baby mages

Found this post on (actually this site became my favorite). Very good tips for mage who wants to find a good tree for pvp arena spec. Full frost is the best in my opinion, more survability and the water elemental pet helps a lot. But if you want burst damage I suggest Arcane/Fire, this is my actual pvp spec arena tree for 5x5 and 2x2. If you want to try Arcane/Fire in 5x5 I suggest you to cast Inivisibility Spell on the beggining of the game, because you probably will be the first target. Unfortunately Arcane and Fire mages die prety easily for melee in 5x5 because we dont have Ice Block and Ice Barrier, BUT, next patch, Ice Block will be trainable!! A lot of thing are going to change for us in Arena, just wait.... Here is the artcile, have fun :)

Shaan on the European forums has taken the time to write out a guide to building a mage Arena spec. Although the guide itself is not new, the information within it is still extremely valuable. Now, while PvP pros out there probably know all this information, this is the sort of post that gives me the massive amount of information I need as an Arena beginner. Think of the thread as a spec buffet, only each dish is laid out with pros, cons, and a rating on a scale between 1 and 10. Shaan not only talks about PvP builds in the thread, he also gives some pretty sound advice for those of us new to Arena battles. For example, he suggests using rank 1 spells for many of the standard mage actions: Polymorph, Frost Nova, rank 1 Frostbolt and rank 1Cone of Cold keybound for kiting. Yes yes, I realize that you've already got a 1800 rating and this is all baby stuff to you, but there are plenty of us out there that simply need direction when it comes to the Arena, myself included. It's a good enough guide that Salthem recently added it to the useful mage sticky thread, which is how I found this gem of a guide. Do you have any suggestions to add to the guide now that Patch 2.3 is changing things up a bit?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jean Claude Van Damme is a TROLL MAGE!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats so cool!!!!

Another WoW commercial but in spanish:

I wonder if they are going to make one in Portuguese with some Brazilian celebrity hehe

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Vial's of Kael'thas Sunstrider!! Finally!!

Finally I got my vial!! now I am officially attun. to BT!!! We kill Kael and cleaned Mount Hyjal in just one night!! My new guild is helping us a lot, Retrospect (check their site here). They are very very very good!! Mount Hyjal is not hard, is intense, waves and more waves of mobs, like non-stop, very interesting :) I was so excited and nervous that I forgot to take screen shots :(
But I took one SS from kael dead!! :) Kawn is my shaman lover :P

How to beat a Warlock

I found this article in WoW Insider and its great!! Because you know I LOVE LOCKS bleh)!!
Bellow, this is a quote the mage part, but there are all classes' strategy, its a very nice article.

"Mage - Counterspell is your friend. Catch warlocks in their casting animation, and you effectively shut down half or more of their arsenal for eight seconds - an eternity in the Arenas. Blink behind them to break LoS. Use Ice Block to wipe out all DoTs, including Unstable Affliction (with no ill effects), to break their rhythm."

So thats means, who is fire or arcane spec dont have any chance versus warlock... hehe
BUT, soon, in patch 2.3.1, ice block for everyone!! weeeeee!!! Anyway, I am still waiting for a good nerf to warlocks.

I am not going to link the whole article because its huge.
So, here is the link:

Blood Sport: How to beat a Warlock
Source: WoW Insider

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Unofficial Patch Trailer

You guys need to watch this video!! HAHAHAHAH! Its an Unofficial patch trailer, very very good!!!
PS: Thanks Darkneo!!

The Dangers of World of Warcraft

Funny!! :P lol

Monday, December 3, 2007

Epic Dolls Episode 14

Yay!!! New episode!! Grats Leala's lock!!!! Another over power lock :)

CLICK HERE to listen the Epic Dolls' podcast - Episode 14

Friday, November 30, 2007

Marriage & WoW

I never imagined WoW could change the course of my life forever.
About 3 years ago my life was so sad, so alone, couldn't find the meaning of my life. So many frustrations in my past relationships and this was one of reason I started to play World of Warcraft.... trying to forget about my life. WoW was kind of a escape for me.
But I never thought my life was about to change...

Level 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and finally 60 and I say "I am not noob anymore I can go to Tarren Mill to farm honor points". let me explain this; in my old server before the battlegrounds came up, we had like a Tarren Mill versus Southshore War. It was totaly World PvP (so much fun).
So, I get there in Tarren Mill... wow, so many people... scary.

Day after day I was there. We had 3 diferents groups there, the good players with good gear, the good players with no gear at all and bad players with bad gear lol. I think I was in the second group hehe. And I always thought "One day I will be in a group 1 and going to be friends of them!!"

One day the best enchacement shaman in my server, a Orc Female called Anedaclam, msg me asking for water and I made a joke saying that 1 stack = 10 golds and for my surprise he paid 30g for 3 stacks hehe and I was happy "gold for my epic mount!! weee"


After this day, Anedaclam and I started to talk every day. We started to play together, so many silly things we did, like fishing naked in Stormwind!! hehe

Anyway, the "ingame friendship" became a "RL friendship", we started to talk on MsN, skype and one day the friendship became a relationship. In October 2005 he came to Brazil to meet me and after 3 days he asked me to marry him... and my answer was YES!!!

In December First (1) 2006, we got married in Eustis-FL.

I never thought a game could change my life, never, ever. So I really need to thanks World of Warcraft or Blizzard hehe. They helped me to find the meaning of my life, my soul mate and the true love.

"TL, you are everything to me. As time goes on I love you more.
Happy Anniversary for us, meu amor!! I love you."

our song :)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I Got Elf!!!

Its not a night elf or a blood elf, but this is so funny!!!
You can also be a elf!!
Check my husband and I as elfs lol

Finally I got the Vashj's Vial!!

After a dark moments in my old server, my new guild (they are veeery good, really I am scared!) is going to attun. me and my friends :) Last night, my first raid with them, we killed Vashj and FINALLY I got the Vial and I also got the helm tier 5 :) Now, heading to Kael!! :P Thanks Akirra & Retrospect!! :)

PS: I was so excited that I forgot to take a screen shot :((((( /cry

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ira forever but... now its Iva

My new char name is Iva.
I didn't pay for change my name but I had to transfer to another server this week and unfortunately the name Ira was unavailable. So I got Iva because reminds Ira :P
After 3 years being Ira will be hard to get used with Iva :(

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mage Basic addons

I have tons of addons, but these 4 I cant live without. I think every mage should have it

- Cryolysis:
You can save a lot of spots in your bar. Example; in just 1 button you can teleport and open portal to everywhere. Cryolysis has a Buff button, a conjure water/food button, mount, evocation, mana gems, 3 free buttons that you can personalize. Its pretty cool.

- Spellcraft:
This addon is similar to Cryolysis, but the cool thing it show who break your polymorphy!! This is the best, specially in PvE, you can see who broke your sheep!!

- SmartDebuff
I used to use Decurse but I like SmartDebuff more, its very clean you can configure a lot of stuff and excelent to PvE and PvP of course. You also can use it for another class.

- X-Perl UnitFrames
Actually this is not a addon mage, is a Unit Frames but is the best addon in my opinion. Raid frame, pets, you can see your party target, you can see your target's target, you can see your focus' target's target hehehehe Well there are so many things but Its very nice, specially in arena games. You have the option to see the target in 3D. Muito legal :)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Video WoW - Amaranth

How people can make something like that, so perfect!! :)

Epic Dolls Episode 13 (THE BEST!)

Best episode ever!! Guess why? Because the girls talk about the new mage change on patch 2.3.2 AND my blog!!!! Isnt it cool?? I feel so important!!!! Thank you girls!!! You guys ROCKKK!!!!
But the best thing on this episode is the "Happy Birthday" they sing to WoW 3 years old!! hehe Its hilarious!!!
Sorry to type so many "!!!" I was excited!! :P

CLICK HERE to listen the Epic Dolls' podcast - Episode 13

Arena Season 3 comes up tomorrow??

I HOPE SO!! I already have my 5k points saved :P
I cant wait to get my new items, specially the new dagger... finally they change the Spellblade visual.

The new arena season 3, same visual of tier 6... and Blizzard loves to decrease our amor :( thats sucks! I have almost 400 resilience and I still die like a paper in BGs for melee. I hope with the new mage change (Ice block for everyone) is gonna help. :(

All about Season 3 arena!! Click Click!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

The Day After Halloween

Its funny :P Poor Headless Horseman hehe

For Hunters - Ghost Wolf Pet

My alt is a hunter, so when I saw this article in WoW Insider I got crazy!! I love pets, combat pets, pets-non-combat, anyway, after new patch 2.3 the mobs Grimtotem shamans summon a tamable ghost wolf.
I want it :( But they are hard to tame, the article has some tips how to tame and more informations about it:

Ghost Wolf: The newest, rarest pet

Source: WoW Insider

Very good news for mage! Blizzard post

There are a few nice improvements we're making to the mage class in patch 2.3.2 (a small patch that will be on the public test realms soon) and we wanted to share them with you. First, we'll start out with two changes affecting all mages. Ice block will become a core ability, trainable by all mages at level 30. Additionally, conjure mana (rank 6) will restore 1800-3000 mana and will now have three charges, meaning you can use it three times before having to create a new one.

To be sure we're clear here, yes, the same cooldown will still apply between usages. :P

Cold snap will be moved to Ice block's position in the talent tree and its cooldown will be reduced. As a side note, it will no longer reset the cooldown on fire ward. Moving in to Cold snap's spot will be a brand new ability called Icy Veins. This new ability will decrease casting time for all spells by 20% and increases the chance that chilling effects freeze the target by 25%. It's an active ability, lasting 20 seconds and has a 3 minute cooldown.

- Ice block will become a core ability, trainable by all mages at level 30.
OMFG!! PoM + trinket + Pyroblast + Ice Block = OWNED!!! or Blazing speed + Ice Block!! nice...

- conjure mana (rank 6) will restore 1800-3000 mana and will now have three charges
This is Fantastic!! :P

- Icy Veins. This new ability will decrease casting time for all spells by 20% and increases the chance that chilling effects freeze the target by 25%. It's an active ability, lasting 20 seconds and has a 3 minute cooldown.
I wonder if this new ability stacks with Berseking troll racial. Hmmmmm if does, this will be great!!! I cant wait for the new changes!!

Thats a good new, I am happy (just a little bit)hehe :P

Official Blizzard Post Link

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Holy Cow!!

I am sorry but when I saw this screen shot on "Screenshots of The Day" I had to making fun of a lost poor orc in the middle of a Cow Plantation lol /moooooo I love taurens hehhe


Finally Blizzard listened mages pray!! We were so tired of die for melee dps... they can barely touch us and there we go again to say hello to spirit rezzer. Mages were very disappointed because they reduce 50% armor of our Merciless Arena 2 Set-Paper.
But now, this is about to change.... they didn't give us wings (like warlock tier 6......... no comments) and people will not call "mages are papers" anymore, because the new tier 7 is...

PLASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Creepy kids...

A long time ago, my friend told me that he found an interesting house near Goldshire, the human newbie area. A Haunted House... Did u guys watch that movie The Blair Witch Project with some kids crying, whispers and with their back to the wall. So my friend told me that he found something like that.... and I said "NO WAY!!! You are kidding me!!" he said "Go check... but remember, there is a certain time of the night, after midnight in random days."
Alright, so I logged my night elf that I have in another server... took me about 1 hour to find the house because my friend didn't know the house's coord. (he is the type who still play with wow default interface, no addons o.O). So, When I get inside the house I didn't find anything, no kids, no whispers, nothing, only a normal woody house, and it was midnight.
Past 3 days logging in the same time I finally found the kids... and it was kind of creepy... I swear... First at first, Human's Kids freak me out, I don't know... they have evil face with a sarcastic smile hehe Anyway, the kids didn't move and they were organized in the shape of a pentagram AND with a redhead kiddo in the middle.............. man, this is creepy.
I couldn't listen any whisper just the fireplace's sound but my friend guarantee there are whispers. I took some screen shots when I get there on the first time. I went back the other day and they were in another position , same pentagram shape but with their back to the door....
I went back the other day and they were in another position, same pentagram shape but with their back to the door.... I dont know if the kids are still there, because this happened in 2005. I am going to check tonight again... the creepy kids....

OMG I just found a youtube video about these kids!!! And pay attention on their position, is different of my screen shots and the WoW sound music.

OH MY GOD! World of Datecraft

No comments... rofl
This site is funny I wish I could be a member just to check out the "hot" people there, but I already found my lovely shaman!! :P

World of Datecraft

Epic Dolls Episode 12

Nice show!!! They talk about the new patch, hunter and fashion tips, a nice story and some very funny stories of noobish-ness. They also have a Lock lesson... (I hate locks but the show is great!! :)
I really need to ask Leala when she is going to talk about mages!! hehe :P
Enjoy the show!

CLICK HERE to listen the Epic Dolls' podcast - Episode 12

Friday, November 16, 2007

Best interview EVER!!!!


An interview with George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher, from Cannibal Corpse, he talks about World of Warcraft. The guy is great, he has 4 accounts lol !! and FOR THE HORDE!!
"Who wants to play gnomes or night elfs?"

Check it out:

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Zul'aman trailer

Poor trolls :((
People are so mean to them :((
THEY ARE MY FAMILY!! but we betrayed them...

The Gods of Zul'aman Trailer

New Daily quests (patch 2.3)

Instance Quests

As of Patch 2.3.0, there are daily quests that are targeted at one normal 70 instance and one heroic instance each day. The instances are randomized each day. Heroic dailies reward two Badges of Justice and 24Gold 60Silver , whilst normal dailies reward an Ethereum Prison Key and 16Gold 39Silver . These quests can be picked up from two ethereals in Shattrath's Lower City: Wind Trader Zhareem for the heroic quest, Nether-Stalker Mah'duun for the normal one. They are found in the eastern part near the inn.

Battleground Quests

Patch 2.3.0 introduced new daily BG quests. The quest givers can be found in any capital city near the Battleground Masters. The quest objective is to win a specific battleground. The reward varies by level (11Gold 99Silver and 419 honor at level 70). You can do only one daily PvP quest per day.

Cooking Quests

Patch 2.3.0 introduced Daily cooking quests handed out by The Rokk in Shattrath City involving travel across Outlands to different locations each day. A preview of these quests on the Test Realm is available at Kaliope’s WoW Crafting Blog [1].

New flying mounts (patch 2.3)

Cenarion War Hippogryph (I need !!!! :P)
This epic flying mount costs 2000g (1600g with the exalted Cenarion Expedition discount OUCH) and requires you to have trained the ability to fly at an epic pace. You can buy in Cenarion Refuge of Fedryen Swiftspear in Zangamarsh.
I want this mount but I dont have gold :(((( Anyone wants to buy one for me? Only 1600g! cheap! :P

Turbo-Charged Flying Machine
(I want to be an engineer!!!)
This one is pretty cool. They have the blue and epic version. The epic one is so cool. If you look the details there is a hula girl on the dash of the gyrocopter.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Patch 2.3 NOTES

I forgot to link the Patch 2.3 notes early, so there it goes.

Patch 2.3 NOTES


Epic Dolls Episode 11

The Girls Rock!! This episode is very good!! Congratulations Leala Turkey and "hunter" Haley!! GJ!!

CLICK HERE to listen the epic dolls' podcast - Episode 11

Btw, the orphanage of Nagrand is so cute. My friend said there is a "Drive-Thru of baby Taurens" lol
You guys need to listen the podcast, its pretty cool and they are doing an amazing job.

Epic Dolls Site

FINALLY!! No more conjure water-food!

This is the best ever patch!! I am so happy with the new mage spell "Ritual of Refreshment". This costs 80% of base mana and 2 Arcane Powder, but who cares!?!!? I will not waist my time doing 300-500 waters for a whole raid in a night anymore!!! Viva Lo Biscuit!! And I feel like I am a warlock because its a summon ritual, its pretty cool, you know mages always complain about them, locks are overpower or something like that"hey I think the Blizzard's President has a Warlock", they have the coolest gears, dots are insane and they never get nerf hehehe. ANYWAY, back to the subject lol Ritual of Refreshment" has 50 charges of 20 [Conjured Manna Biscuit].
Thanks Blizzard!! I love you!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

My first video

This video is so old lol but its funny. My first pvp video :P
PS: with some trash brazilian's music, Funk da Pamonha hehe

Pretty site

This is the site of my old guild and guess who design the site? ME ME ME!!!
There is a trick on this site, if you refresh the main image is going to change. By the way, some of the characters on this image are my arena team:
- Skurvy, the undead mage
- Tsunadex, the troll priest
- Mavrick, undead troll on the back of the image.


Here we go!

Alright, my first post I am so happy :) I hope I can keep it up because you know I am the type of people who never finish anything, college, piano class, etc,.
Anyway, back to my blog, before I post some old old screenshots I found in my computer I want to introduce myself: My name is Cyntia, I am from Sao Paulo-Brazil but I live in US about a year. I've been playing WoW since november/2004 (yes I think it is), totally old school. Ira (I called her "The Fire Princess" lol) is my main char I also have a hunter and a warrior lvl 70, but mage is my favorite, Ira is like a precious item legendary with 10 meta gems for me lol.
Alright but this blog is not just about Ira, I will try to talk about WoW in general, gonna link some videos, pics, etc... we will have a lot of fun!
But this is my first post and I deserve to talk about my main char.
I found some interesting old screen shots:

This is me starting Desolace's quests zone. Isnt it cute? look at my head rofl I hate almost all kind of heads on troll female. But I love trolls.

Ahhh epic mount... this is the day I bought my epic mount, lvl 60.

That one is sooooo "80's" lol, my first MC's raid with dark praetors. I was so nervous that day! But nothing compare the day I did Scarlet Monestary, OMG I almost die of nervous hehehe.

Good times :)

/kiss Anedaclam